Senior Associate in the Criminal Law department of Dragne & Asociații, Adrian Hărătău recently attended an international conference organized by the „Cybercrime Research Centre” in partnership with „Nicolaus Copernicus” University in Toruń, Poland, with regard to the public-private cooperation in fighting illegal content on the internet.
The conference entitled “Public-private partnership in the fight against illegal content and use of children on the Internet” summed up a research project carried out in the framework of ISEC programme and gathered European representatives of the public institutions and university teachers from Spain and Luxemburg.
During the session, attorney Adrian Hărătău talked about Romania’s status with concern to the applicable law and electronic communications network providers, but also about the national rules on the retention and processing of personal data. Furthermore, his speech highlighted the legal provisions governing the possibility of obtaining judicial authorities during the criminal trial, from providers of public electronic communications networks and the efficiency of the Romanian authorities in fighting cybercrime.
Currently, Romania has one of the most complex legislation in Europe regarding the prevention and fighting against cybercrime. We have to mention that the Cyber security law, which aimed to harmonize the legislation in this field, passed by the Parliament last year, was declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court at the beginning of 2015.