6 Matei Millo +40 31 432 6170

Double win in VIAC arbitration

Dragne & Associates wins two arbitrations before the Vienna International Arbitration Center of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber. Our law firm has represented a former member of the Executive Board of the National Electricity Transmission Company – Transelectrica S.A. in two international arbitrations, the last one finalized by the arbitral award rendered in October 2024. The arbitration disputes had a […]

A Court Decision of the 1960s annulled by Dragne & Asociatii in last appeal

Dragne & Asociatii has overturned precedent in successfully cancelling a court decision rendered in 1964, despite the arguments of inadmissibility made by the local authorities. On May 9, 2019, Galati Tribunal has admitted the appeal and subsequently annulled the 1964 decision and ordered a re-trial. Such concerned a real estate taken over by the communism regime under the Decree no. […]

Cătălin Marin, SCA Dragne & Asociatii, alaturi de profesorul Nicolae Volonciu la conferinţa „Noile Coduri penale la 5 ani de la intrarea în vigoare”.

Catalin Marin, speaker at Criminal Law Conference

The Faculty of Law, Babeș-Bolyai University and the National Institute for Lawyers Training and Development (INPPA – Cluj Territorial Center), with the support of Cluj Bar and in collaboration with Universul Juridic, organize on March 22 and March 23, 2019 “Noile Coduri penale la 5 ani de la intrarea în vigoare” Conference, an event addressing difficult aspects on the new […]

Dragne & Asociații Announces Attorney Promotions

Dragne & Asociații is pleased to announce that nine of its attorneys have been promoted to Managing Associate and Senior Associate status. The new positions represent the practice areas of the law firm and are the result on the internal evaluation for the past years. Zoe Lungu, Camelia Floca, Gabriel Paraschiv, Bogdan Toma and Mihai Costea are the new Managing […]

Ion Dragne on the perspectives of the legal market

Wall-Street.ro, one of the leading Romanian business publications, asked several top lawyers to comment on the evolution of the legal market in 2013 and to state their predictions for 2014. In the opinion of Ion Dragne, Managing Partner at Dragne & Asociatii, the legal market will be characterised by “speed” and “adaptation” in 2014.

Dragne & Asociatii appoints new partner: Ioana Oprea joins the management team

Dragne & Asociatii appointed a new partner, effective 1st of November, 2013: Ioana Oprea (Radulescu) joined the firm’s management board, along the founding partners: Ion Dragne, Stelian Garofil, Delia Bosman, Andreia Oana Dumitrescu and Daniel Cirstea. Also, since the beginning of this year, the firm has strengthened its team by acquiring 11 new lawyers: Florin Dumitru, Andreea Scaunasu, Catalin Barbu, Ana Maria Filip, […]