Order no. 897/2011 amending the Instructions regarding the individualization of the sanctions for the contraventions provided by art. 50 and art. 501 of the Competition Law no. 21/1996 was published in the Official Gazette no. 932 of December 29, 2011 [in Romanian, Ordin nr. 897 din 6 decembrie 2011 privind punerea in aplicare a Instructiunilor pentru modificarea Instructiunilor privind individualizarea sanctiunilor pentru contraventiile prevazute la art. 50 si 501 din Legea concurentei nr. 21/1996, puse in aplicare prin Ordinul presedintelui Consiliului Concurentei nr. 419/2010].
The Order reduced the thresholds for the base level which is taken into consideration in view of establishing the fine for the breach of art. 50 of Competition Law and the thresholds for the final value of the fine applicable for the breach of art. 50 and 501 of Competition Law.
Order no. 898/2011 amending the Instructions regarding the individualization of the sanctions regarding the contraventions provided by art. 51 of Competition Law no. 21/1996 was published in the Official Gazette no. 932 of December 29, 2011 [in Romanian, Ordin nr. 898 din 6 decembrie 2011 privind punerea in aplicare a Instructiunilor pentru modificarea si completarea Instructiunilor privind individualizarea sanctiunilor pentru contraventiile prevazute la art. 51 din Legea concurentei nr. 21/1996, puse in aplicare prin Ordinul presedintelui Consiliului Concurentei nr. 420/2010].
The Order provides:
• the procedure to be followed by companies for denouncing their participation to anti competitive practices;
• the possibility of the Competition Council to apply fines which are different in value as opposed to those stipulated for the severity tier of the relevant contravention;
• new attenuated circumstances.