Art. 29 of Law no. 350/2001 regarding the town development and town planning was amended by Law no. 221/2011 published in the Official Gazette no. 852/2011 [in Romanian, Lege nr. 221 din 29 noiembrie 2011 pentru modificarea alin. (2) al art. 29 din Legea nr. 350/2001 privind amenajarea teritoriului şi urbanismul].
Law no. 221/2011 provides that the town planning certificate must be issued in case of tender award of design and construction works for public facilities, as well as for drafting the land registry documentation for assembling and dismembering the lands in at least 3 allotments (when such operations regard the dismemberment or assemblement of allotments for the purpose of construction and infrastructure works, as well as for the creation of an easement over the land).
In case of the sale or purchase of real properties, the town planning certificate contains the information regarding the legal consequences of the transfer.The town planning certificate is optional when the assemblement and dismemberment operations are subject to the partition, except when the request is made for the purpose of performing construction and/or infrastructure works.