Government decision no. 1232 of 14 December 2011 for approval the Regulation for issuing and monitoring of the origin guarantees for electricity produced from renewable energy sources (RES-E) (the “Regulation”), was published in the Official Gazette, Part I, no. 4 of 4 January 2012 [in Romanian – “Hotararea nr. 1232 din 14 decembrie 2011 pentru aprobarea Regulamentului de emitere si urmarire a garantiilor de origine pentru energia electrica produsa din surse regenerabile de energie (E-SRE)”].
The Regulation sets forth the framework for the organization and functioning of the origin guarantees system for the electricity production from renewable sources. The origin guarantees issued under this Regulation shall be used by the electricity supplier, at the request of a final consumer, in order to prove the accuracy of the information contained in the energy label.
This Regulation covers:
• the documents required for granting of the origin guarantees certifying the origin of electricity produced from renewable energy sources;
• the application procedure and conditions for issuing the origin guarantees;
• the transfer and withdrawal of the origin guarantees;
• the registration and management of information related to the origin guarantees;
• recognition of the origin guarantees issued by other EU countries.