Regulation no. 25/2011 issued by the National Bank of Romania, regarding the credit institutions liquidity requirements [in Romanian, Regulamentul nr. 25 din 8 noiembrie 2011 privind lichiditatea institutiilor de credit] was published in the Official Gazette no. 820 of November 21, 2011 and shall entry into force at January 1, 2012.
Regulation no. 25/2011 provides the minimum liquidity level applicable to Romanian credit institutions, as well as to the Romanian subsidiaries of foreign credit institutions.
The main provisions refer to:
- the liquidity risk which is supervised by credit institutions themselves and by National Bank of Romania on the basis of the reports regarding the liquidity indicator received from the respective credit institutions;
- the calculation method of the liquidity indicator, of the effective and necessary liquidity;
- the supervision of the high liquidity risk.
The credit institutions which breach the regulation shall be subject to the sanctions provided by art. 226, 227 and 228 of Goverment Emergency Ordinance no. 99/2006 on credit institutions.