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Environment protection rules amended in line with EU law

Law no. 211/2011 regarding waste management was published in the Official Gazette no. 836 of November 25, 2011 [in Romanian, Lege nr. 211 din 15 noiembrie 2011 privind regimul deşeurilor] and it transposes the provisions of Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of November 19, 2008 regarding waste.

The most important provisions refer to:

  • the waste hierarchy for the purpose of diminishing the negative effects of waste on the environment;
  • the regulation of the extended liability of the producer for the purpose of strengthening the re-use and the prevention, recycling and other methods for the recovery of waste;
  • the application of the self-sufficiency and proximity principles;
  • the control, the prohibition and the labelling of the dangerous waste;
  • the issuance and content of waste management plans and waste prevention programs;
  • the sanctions which are applicable for the breach of the legal provisions.

In accordance with the polluter-pays principle, the costs of waste management shall be borne by the original waste producer or by the current or previous waste holders.