Law no. 60/2012 has amended the Government Ordinance no. 79/2011 which, at its turn, had modified the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 89/2000 on authorizing operators and making entries in the Electronic Archive [in Romanian Ordonanţa Guvernului nr. 89/2000 privind unele măsuri pentru autorizarea operatorilor şi efectuarea înscrierilor în Arhiva Electronică de Garanţii Reale Mobiliare].
The main amendments concern:
· defining the specific terminology, such as “operator”, “agent”, “archive”, “evidence notice” etc;
· regulating the notices and the correspondent rates for the registration of trust operation in EAST;
· regulating the persons which may request the registration with EAST of the notices regulated under the E.G.O. 89/2000.