Legal entities and/or the natural persons which will apply from now on for being granted with the right to access the support scheme for cogeneration should also fulfill the additional obligations provided by the Order no. 46/2011.
It amends and supplements the approval procedure for the new projects or refurbishment of the existing cogeneration plants (the „Order”) and was published in the Official Gazette no. 790 of November 8th, 2011- Part I [in Romanian, Ordinul nr. 46/2011 pentru modificarea si completarea Procedurii de avizare a proiectelor noi sau de retehnologizare ale centralelor de cogenerare, aprobata prin Ordinul presedintelui Autoritatii Nationale de Reglementare in Domeniul Energiei nr. 26/2010].
The Order provides that, in addition to the obligations already mentioned in the current approval procedure, the applicant must:
- provide the National Regulatory Authority in the Energy Field, until 30 September of the year “n”, with a written statement regarding the functioning within the year “n +1” of one or more cogeneration units, new or refurbished;
- require the endorsement for final accreditation no later than 30 September of the year “n +1”;
In addition, the Order also defines the activity of commercial exploitation of an energy capacity, as the activity performed by the owner/operator of an energy capacity for recovering the investment made with the cogeneration unit and for gaining profit.