Three orders of the National Regulatory Authority in the Energy Field regarding the renewable energy sector were published in the Official Gazette of November 1st, 2011. These represent the secondary legislation regulating the green certificates system: Order no. 42/2011 regarding the approval of the Regulation for the authorization of the electric energy producers for the application of the green certificates incentive […]
Tag Archives: renewable energy
EGO amending and supplementing Law no. 220/2008
The Government Emergency Ordinance no. 88/2011 on amending and supplementing Law no. 220/2008 establishing the promotion system of electricity generation from renewable sources (the “EGO no. 88/2011” / the “Ordinance”) was published in the Official Gazette, Part I, no. 736 of October 19th, 2011 [in Romanian, Ordonanta de urgenta nr. 88/2011 privind modificarea si completarea Legii nr. 220/2008 pentru stabilirea […]