Law 60/2012 has brought substantive changes to the Law 71/2011 on the enforcement of Law no. 287/2009 on the Civil Code [in Romanian Legea nr. 71/2011 pentru punerea în aplicare a Legii nr. 287/2009 privind Codul civil]: Among the most relavant amendments are the following: in the laws on the consumer’s rights protection, the term „trader” is replaced with „proffesionist”; […]
Tag Archives: Noul Cod Civil al României
Amendments to the Civil Code
In the Official Gazette no. 255 of April 17, 2012 was published the Law no. 60/2012 (“Law 60/2012”) approving the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 79/2011 regulating certain measures required for the enforcement of Law no. 287/2009 on the Civil Code [in Romanian Legea nr. 60 privind aprobarea Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 79/2011 pentru reglementarea unor măsuri necesare intrării […]
Capital market regulations are brought in line with the New Civil Code
With a view of bringing in line the capital market laws with the New Civil Code, Regulation no. 18/2011 for amending and supplementing certain regulations issued by the Romanian National Securities Commission according to Law no. 287/2009 regarding the Civil Code was published in the Official Gazette no. 2 of January 2, 2012 [in Romanian, Regulament nr. 18 din 14 […]