6 Matei Millo +40 31 432 6170

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Over EUR 11 Million won as compensation in property restitution case

Our firm represented a national minority in Romania in a complex litigation regarding compensation for a substantial plot of land, taken over by the state prior to 1989. In the first procedural cycle, the court definitively confirmed our client’s status as a beneficiary of reparatory measures and validated the fulfillment of all necessary conditions for compensation. In the second cycle, […]

Dragne & Asociatii Secures a Significant Win in Cross-Border Commercial Litigation

We are proud to announce the successful resolution of a multi-year, high-stakes litigation for our client, Diverto International B.V., against RAAL SA, a Romanian manufacturer. The case involved the unauthorized retention of know-how and tools for Diverto’s QS 100 machine. Working alongside Dutch firm Adriaanse van der Weel advocaten, we secured favorable rulings in Romania and the Netherlands. The Dutch […]

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